CHARLESTON -- This will be the last election political rallies will be allowed at the airport in Mississippi County by the current County Commission.
During their regular meeting Thursday, Presiding Commissioner Jim Blumenberg said permission was given to Kevin Mainord to hold a political rally for the Republican Part at the county airport as "it had been done in the past."
Since one party has already been given permission, use of the county airport for political rallies for this election is "free game for anybody," Blumenberg said.
While future commissioners may decide otherwise, however, the current County Commission agreed "the airport will not be used for political rallies after this year," Blumenberg said.
Commissioners also decided they will not allow a resident to park his plane in the county's hangar as requested as county officials are presently storing the county's election equipment trailer and emergency trailer inside the hangar.
Blumenberg also said he will visit the county airport and review the recent inspection report to see what can be done to bring the airport into compliance with Federal Aviation Administration requirements.
He said he is aware the beacon is not rotating and that the airport needs a larger wind sock.
In other business during Thursday's meeting:
* Keith Moore, Mississippi County sheriff, presented commissioners with about a half-dozen applications for the job of county code enforcement officer.
The job will only be a part-time position, Blumenberg said.
"We don't have that many spots in the county," he said. "We're talking about eyesores."
Blumenberg said the code enforcement officer's only job will be to advise offenders how long they have to correct a problem and to issue citations.
Moore said if the code enforcement officer is confronted by someone, they are to back off and let the sheriff's department handle it.
Blumenberg said the officer will also be tasked with advising those building structures that they must be in compliance with the county's flood plain ordinance.
* County officials will contact Carter County to see if they can get copies of the ATV permit application forms and permit stickers in use there.
Commissioners discussed some of the negative comments about their decision to allow permits to be issued for the use of ATVs on county roads that have been printed in SpeakOut and voiced elsewhere and agreed the concerns do not appear to be justified.
"If it doesn't work out, it came come back out," Blumenberg said of the ordinance.
Moore said when issuing permits he will also issue copies of the state statute pertaining to permitted ATVs operating on county roads that will have the most important parts highlighted.
* Moore advised commissioners that he is putting together a committee to study the risk of school shootings within the county and will assemble a quick response team and a plan of action.
"We can handle it," he said.
Moore said one of the most difficult parts of a hostage crisis for law enforcement is deciding when to go in as first they must determine the mental condition of the hostage taker to see if negotiations are possible.