April 17, 2006

NEW MADRID - A recount, requested by a candidate who lost an election by one vote, didn't change the outcome. A recount was conducted of the ballots cast for mayor of Canalou after James Taul made the request through the office of New Madrid County Clerk Clement Cravens. Cravens said the recount, conducted Thursday, came back with the same results initially tallied through his office following the April 4 election - Taul received 37 votes and write-in candidate Charles Joyce had 38 votes...

NEW MADRID - A recount, requested by a candidate who lost an election by one vote, didn't change the outcome.

A recount was conducted of the ballots cast for mayor of Canalou after James Taul made the request through the office of New Madrid County Clerk Clement Cravens. Cravens said the recount, conducted Thursday, came back with the same results initially tallied through his office following the April 4 election - Taul received 37 votes and write-in candidate Charles Joyce had 38 votes.

During the recount, which is conducted after Cravens' office received an order through the Circuit Court, each candidate was allowed one representative to serve as their election judge. Also one person from County Clerk's office served as third-party tabulator.

The ballots, both the precinct and any absentee ballots, were hand-counted with the results remaining the same.
