I was in Sikeston last Saturday for a reunion.
My husband and I were traveling down School St. South, crossing Murray Lane heading for home in Nashville,TN. Our trunk was opened a bit and he pulled over to shut it.. We drove on down School St. on the newer road and a car behind us blinked their lights, getting our attention. We pulled over.
A lady was holding up my purse. She said they saw it fall out of our trunk when we crossed Murray Lane.
I had no idea it had fallen out and they were so nice and caring to run us down and give it to me.
They witnessed someone running over it but still were persistent and got it for me and brought it to me.
I am forever grateful to them for doing this..
As all ladies know, my purse contained everything important and then some.
I wanted to publicly praise and thank the two ladies... Melanie Miller and her Mother Debbie.
You made my day. Thank you and God bless you in some way soon.
Merletta Hays Lambert Nashville, TN