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I would like to have the number of some people who do machine quilting, please.
To the SpeakOut caller of We're all in trouble, amen, amen, amen.
Here are three DWI cases heard in Scott County printed in today's paper, Oct. 23. Richard Walton II, driving while intoxicated - alcohol - prior offender, $250 fine, failure to drive within right lane of highway, $50 fine; Zadrin D. Nunley, driving while intoxicated - drug intoxication, 6 months in jail; Jeremy M. Pruden, driving while intoxicated - alcohol, suspended imposition of sentence, two years supervised probation. Why the different degree in punishment? The prior offender received the lesser punishment. The law should be enforced the same for all citizens. I encourage you to write your judges, and let them know you are watching. Demand they do the job they were elected to do, and enforce the DWI laws as mandated by our state. Make our highway's safe, take drunk drivers off our roadways. Don't wait until you lose a loved one at the hands of a drunk driver to be heard. A Mother Against Drunk Drivers
I'm calling in answer to the person who called about the rodeo poster that hung in the Ramada Inn. I don't know what happened to that one, but I do know the artist. It's my son who now lives in St. Louis. He still has the original and all the musicians signed it that year. He says after all these years he doesn't think he could get the original out of the frame and make a copy. I also have a copy, but mine is also framed and I would hate to disturb it. He drew that for a contest the Jaycees were having that year. His was picked for the poster to advertise the rodeo. We do know they made at least 100 posters and these were passed around to businesses and different places in town. They also made that picture on T-shirts. I'm sure that most of these posters were just pitched after the rodeo was over. Maybe if you get in touch with the Jaycee organization, someone from back then may remember or have one packed away somewhere they don't want. The picture had John Connely, Merle Haggard, Ronnie Milsap and Hank Williams Jr. on it and they were enclosed in horseshoes. My son sends his thanks to the person who called in that still remembers his art work.
To the person who was quoting so much Old Testament scripture in the Oct. 22 paper, he should read Romans 1:26 and Corinthians 6:9 in the New Testament. It might give him a new perspective on things.
I am calling about the hospital ball. I attended and I think it was a very nice planned activity. Only one thing, as I was sitting at my table and I noticed they had some of the tables decorated with fish bowls. In these fish bowls was a small fish that was slowly dying. Some of these people I know support the Humane Society. How could they be so cruel and put fish in there that would die or be flushed down the toilet. I think that was in very bad taste. My evening was ruined after I saw that.
According to a spokesperson for Missouri Delta Medical Center, they borrowed 12 Beta Fish (known to be a hardy variety of fish) from a local pet store. They were given instructions on how to care for the fish and all 12 fish were returned to the pet store in good condition. Missouri Delta Medical Center also supports humane treatment of all animals.