In case you need some perspective, Miner bar music is 600 decibels louder than their city council meetings.
What does the "Obamanomics" future hold for America? A 'fine' or 'tax' for doing anything liberal Democrats deem as wrong. A 'tax' or 'fine' for anyone doing better than his championed victims.
Regarding the SpeakOut entitled "No mistakes" in which the caller stated God chose Barack. If you mean for the presidency, then I'm pretty sure it was the voters, not God, who selected him. And if you really believe it IS God who picks presidents, than I guess it stands to reason that God also picked Bush, didn't He?
You think you are so smart with your little remarks in the paper, but you're being watched. One of these days your little sneaky tactics or gonna be caught up with, and I hope I'm around to see it.
If there's anybody in the area that resoles shoes, would you please put your number in SpeakOut? We need some cowboy boots resoled.
I'm really sick of the lady that keeps calling about the animals. You know it's too bad, but I really wished she'd got bitten in the ying-yang when the dog bit her.
This is to the person that has written twice saying that animals have no souls. Who made you God? It's people like you that give dogs a bad rep? You don't believe in vet bills so they are not even spayed, neutered or even fed. Shame on you. They can't buy their own food or get their own water or even find a warm place to sleep in the winter. I think you should have to spend the rest of your six lives as your own dog or cat.
My grandfather was alive during the 1929 Depression. He used to tell stories about the stock market going up and down and people putting money in stocks to keep it from going down. But all it did was cause people to lose their money. The economy got so bad, people lost their homes and everything. Before you buy a house, car or anything, wait and see how the economy is going to hold out. Putting your money back in stocks, you are just going to end up losing it. It's going to drop and it's going to get worse.
I want to report a black cat that is in the vicinity of Kingshighway and Hunter. I don't know who it belongs to, but it's been in this neighborhood for about a week.
I'm calling about the article in Wednesday's sports about the 16-year-old girl from Japan making a professional ball team player. She throws a knuckle ball and all I've got to say is that it gives a whole new meaning to "you throw like a girl". Go, girl, go!
I'd rather feed a dog than a welfare deadbeat anytime.
I was calling about the Mexican Medicare. Can't we all just get along? Can't we just stop being prejudiced? The Lord put us all here the same way. It doesn't matter if we're black, white or what color we are, we're all equal. Why can't we just all get along. People, grow up. We need to learn to get along. Act your age, not your shoe size.