December 28, 2008

I was first team all-state offensive line on that list and my name wasn't mentioned? I'm just wondering why is it hard for kids that accomplish stuff from Hayti don't get any articles. Like last year I won Class 2 shot-put? There was nothing said. I also believe I should be considered as male athlete of the year...

What about me?

I was first team all-state offensive line on that list and my name wasn't mentioned? I'm just wondering why is it hard for kids that accomplish stuff from Hayti don't get any articles. Like last year I won Class 2 shot-put? There was nothing said. I also believe I should be considered as male athlete of the year.

Hayti is not in our coverage area.

From owner to renter

This is to "Decent landlords, Decent tenants" who responded to my comment about deadbeat tenants. You seemed to have had a terrible experience with one of our local slumlords. For your information we are not one of those deadbeat landlords. Our houses are investments to us. We do not want them to get run down, cold, no good, or raggedy (as you say) so we do respond to things that need to be fixed within at least two days. In response to "they don't own them you do" you are right so don't be offended when we want our rent on time and ask you to clean up your mess. You "the tenant" are just renting you don't own the house you didn't pay for it. Also don't feel like your rent covers the $40 to $50K or more it took to purchase those homes, repairs, property taxes, insurance, etc. Also your security deposit does not cover damages from being nasty and the lost rent it takes to clean up your nasty mess. If you don't want to be a tenant then become a homeowner. Hmmmm... Can you get a loan, since you don't pay your bills on time? Not! How much do you want to bet that we would live in our rent houses? I hope a lot, because we have over 30 properties in town and I would live in everyone of them. We make sure our properties condition are where we would live in them. You also stated that you would call the repairman and take the expenses out of your rent Well, Mr. "Homeowner" it is against Missouri Law to do that. I wouldn't suggest you giving that advice. I think you need to read the laws before you get someone evicted from their rent house. The majority of our tenants are excellent but there are those select few that do get by our background checks which is the reason I left the original comment. All of the landlords need to stick together and take these deadbeats to court so we can find out they are deadbeats through I know it costs money but we need to rid Sikeston of the dead beat tenants who don't pay on time and don't respect our properties. I do realize there are some terrible landlords out there and I have seen some houses I wouldn't step foot in around town, so the answer to that is don't rent the nasty houses or rent from these deadbeat landords. Get a reference on your landlord. Ask around, it is common knowledge of the landlords that won't fix anything. Why do people rent those houses? Either because they are on Section 8, don't work enough to afford a nicer house, they have committed a crime, have no references and/or no one else will rent to them. Get a job, then get a second job, pay your rent on time and clean up after yourself and I'll bet you might be able to live in better conditions. Now, there is my opinion.
