With the holiday season in full swing and the new year literally just around the corner, I hesitate to take a too-serious approach to this near-final column of 2008. But I read something this morning that piqued my interest. Of all things, I was reading the year-end message from Pope Benedict XVI and it struck a nerve.
The Pope's year-end message dealt with the economic crisis that has enveloped the entire world. Much of his message was specifically centered on Africa where life is far different from the overwhelming majority of the world.
Pope Benedict warned: "If people look only to their own interests, our world will certainly fall apart."
You can't argue with his message and the truth that it carries.
But as a proud American, let me assert that the USA is a world ahead when it comes to charity for others and concern for those less fortunate.
No other country in history is more generous to the lagging nations of the world than this country. Be it financial aid or manpower, the United States is almost expected to come to the rescue when other parts of the world collapse. And throughout our brief history, we have responded unlike any other nation in history.
The Pope most certainly is right. We must from time to time sacrifice our own self-interest for others. And his assessment that the world "will fall apart" without this sacrifice is probably accurate as well.
But this special holiday message must be heard in other countries and among other people. I get sick and tired of others pointing some finger of blame at the USA for not doing "enough" to help the plight of others.
And let's look internally as well. No other nation is as generous or compassionate or concerned about her own people than the USA. Our efforts to help the less fortunate eclipse similar efforts in other countries by leaps and bounds. In short, as a nation we practice what the Pope is preaching and we do it quietly and we do it daily.
If the Pope were attempting to criticize the efforts of some countries for not doing their fair share in helping those less fortunate, he should have named names. He should have called out those nations who don't look beyond their borders. He should have pointed out those nations who currently and historically have looked beyond their own self-interests. And the United States of America is clearly at the top of the list of those who make sacrifices in the name of others.
We all should agree with this special holy message during this most holy of times. Yet at the same time we should recognize the countless efforts made by this country in the spirit outlined in the Pontiff's address.
There is much to lament in our country. But we can celebrate our efforts to address the massive and critical needs of others. We can only wish that others would recognize our efforts and follow our lead.