April 7, 2009

SIKESTON -- Sikeston should have help picking up limbs from the January ice storm by next week, according to city officials. The Sikeston City Council did not award the debris removal contract during their regular Monday, however. As requested by city staff, the Council tabled the bid award to allow time to verify that the bidders have the necessary equipment...

The Sikeston Department of Public Works continues to burn limbs and other debris from the January ice storm Monday at the city's compost site. The city will soon award a contract to speed the process of removing the limbs still lining Sikeston streets. (Photo by Scott Welton, Staff)
The Sikeston Department of Public Works continues to burn limbs and other debris from the January ice storm Monday at the city's compost site. The city will soon award a contract to speed the process of removing the limbs still lining Sikeston streets. (Photo by Scott Welton, Staff)

SIKESTON -- Sikeston should have help picking up limbs from the January ice storm by next week, according to city officials.

The Sikeston City Council did not award the debris removal contract during their regular Monday, however.

As requested by city staff, the Council tabled the bid award to allow time to verify that the bidders have the necessary equipment.

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