December 2, 2010 SIKESTON -- Road crews have tested their snow plows and equipment and stocked their buildings with salt in preparation for the season's first snow fall. Now they're waiting to see what Mother Nature has in store for them...

Shirley Jones, regional manager supervisor, helps Marvin Gillespie, maintenance superintendent, (not pictured) move and clean the salt brine tubes for liquid salt Wednesday inside the salt dome at Missouri Department of Transportation's Charleston site. (Photo by Leonna Heuring, Staff)
Shirley Jones, regional manager supervisor, helps Marvin Gillespie, maintenance superintendent, (not pictured) move and clean the salt brine tubes for liquid salt Wednesday inside the salt dome at Missouri Department of Transportation's Charleston site. (Photo by Leonna Heuring, Staff)

Ready for snow

SIKESTON -- Road crews have tested their snow plows and equipment and stocked their buildings with salt in preparation for the season's first snow fall. Now they're waiting to see what Mother Nature has in store for them.

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