CHARLESTON -- Santa Claus has come early for the Charleston Chamber of Commerce.
Karen Teeters, executive director of the Charleston Chamber of Commerce, said she learned last week the organization will receive proceeds from a liquidation sale.
"I was contacted by a gentleman who owns Second Fiddle, a liquidation service," Teeters recalled. ""He told me an anonymous donor decided to liquidate a 20 by 40 building of accumulated goods, and they want the benefactor of this sale to be the Charleston Chamber of Commerce."
Teeters said she was "blown away" when she'd heard the news. The only requirements of the Chamber were to promote the sale and find a place to have the sale by this weekend, she said.
Through some quick work, Teeters said she was able to arrange for the sale to be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m Saturday at the Charleston branch of the Mississippi County Library
"And 100 percent of the proceeds will benefit the Charleston Chamber," Teeters said.
Some items in the sale include gently used clothing, bedding, coats, candles, household items and ceramic Christmas trees.
Teeters admitted she was skeptical when she first from the liquidation service owner.
"I thought: 'What kind of scam is this?'" Teeters said. "In today's day and age, you're kind of leery."
Since she was given such a short time frame to have the sale, Teeters said she thinks the donor is someone who passed away recently or who has sold their home and needs to liquidate immediately.
"I just want to say thank you to this anonymous donor," Teeters said. "I would love to know who the donor is, and with the who, comes the why: why are you doing this?"
Teeters knows she may not ever get answers to her questions, but she does know the Chamber could use a funding boost.
"The Charleston chamber of Commerce is not tax supported in any way, shape or form. We rely solely on dues and donations and fundraisers," the executive director said.
Anyone who like to donate items for the sale can bring them to the library between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Thursday.
"We figured as long as we're having a sale, we might as well have a sale," Teeters said about inviting community members to bring items to sell. She noted a tax receipt can be provided.
Also, Teeters pointed out the community room isn't large enough to hold all of the items at once so as items sell, more will be brought inside so people may want to visit the sale both Friday and Saturday.
For the entire story, see the Dec. 8 Standard Democrat or click here to log on to the electronic edition.