April 5, 2013

leonnah@standard-democrat.com EAST PRAIRIE -- East Prairie R-2 Superintendent Scott Downing was recently recognized by his peers as one of the excellent administrators in the state. Downing was among eight Missouri superintendents nominated this year for the Robert L. Pearce Award, which is presented annually by the Missouri Association of School Administrators...

Paul Ziegler (left) presents a plaque to East Prairie R-2 Superintendent Scott Downing, who was this year's Pearce Award  nominee from the Southeast Missouri District of the Missouri Association of School Administrators. (Submitted photo)
Paul Ziegler (left) presents a plaque to East Prairie R-2 Superintendent Scott Downing, who was this year's Pearce Award nominee from the Southeast Missouri District of the Missouri Association of School Administrators. (Submitted photo)


EAST PRAIRIE -- East Prairie R-2 Superintendent Scott Downing was recently recognized by his peers as one of the excellent administrators in the state.

Downing was among eight Missouri superintendents nominated this year for the Robert L. Pearce Award, which is presented annually by the Missouri Association of School Administrators.

Downing was nominated for the honor by his colleagues in the Southeast MASA District.

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