April 16, 2013

Submitted photo by Jim Lichtenegger, Scott County 4-H YPA
story image illustation

Three Scott County 4-H members were among over 300 youth attending the largest state 4-H Teen Conference in Missouri history, March 29-30, at the University of Missouri, Columbia. The delegates, ages 11-13, attended workshops to develop belonging, generosity and mastery of new skills, three of the 4-H program's four "essential elements." The fourth is independence, and for many delegates Teen Conference is the first big overnight trip away from home. Pictured from left are: Sydney Dittlinger, Rachel Birk-State Council Representative, Allison Holt, Rachel Grubbs. Missouri 4-H is open to youth ages 8-18. For more information, visit 4h.missouri.edu or contact your local MU Extension Center at 573-545-3516.
