This goes out to all these loving Christian people. Obama was not a Muslim when he was growing up. If you check it out, he and his family do go to a Christian church. He did not take God from the military. He did not take God out of anything to destroy this nation. If nothing else, he has been trying to help this nation. Blame the Republicans because they won't work with him. People, you need to get a life. What happened to love thy neighbor, honor thy mother and father. Hey, he's got a father and a mother. He's got neighbors. It's not Obama's fault on everything. As far as the 2014 election, who ever gets in gets in. Obama is still your commander-in-chief. Give him a chance to work. As you can see, Boehner is not helping the issue, he wants to destroy everybody. Use your brain for a change. If you think God is gonna help you, pray that Boehner gets thrown out of being in charge of the Republican Party. Obama is not at fault. Obama has not taken God out of anything. All you religious people are turning out to be a bunch of hypocrites and not Christians.
I have evaluated and done some research on your community. I have been contemplating moving here and possibly purchasing a home. Without trying to offend anyone, I want you all to know that your prices for your real estate and even your rent, is in no comparison to the quality of living and your crime rate. The kind of people that are in this community, I don't know why someone thinks that living here is supposed to be like Beverly Hills or something. Sikeston is not quite the town I thought it was. I have decided to move to Jackson. I was looking for a place to retire. I originally grew up in the Oran area. Sikeston, the town in general, is a dump. People think it is much better than what it is. Do some research on your crime rate. Your town really has nothing to interest anyone or draw anyone in unless you are vested in Walmart and fast-food places. Come down off your house prices and your rent and you may get some people coming in there instead of half-a-dozen people having some money. One thing about the city, you have a small, but fine, newspaper.