Thursday, June 13, 2013

Fine by me

I would like to respond to the complainers of Charter TV. I am on Charter Cable, and it works just fine. When I have had to call about a problem, the persons I have dealt with have been courteous and prompt. So, that's one for you Charter. And no, I don't work there and none of my relatives work there.

Hoping for the best

I'm glad that Jason Smith got elected to Congress. Hopefully he will do a better job than what we've had the last several years. Not necessarily knocking Jo Ann Emerson, she just really wasn't a conservative and I'm hoping he will do a better job. And I know he will do a lot better job than Hodges would have done.

Not near enough

Concerning the man who pled guilty to second degree murder of his wife that he buried in Illinois, you know they gave him 20 years. He already had five and it's running together, which is concurrent. So he's going to do 15 and he will only have to get about 11 years and he'll be out for cold-blooded, first degree murder. Isn't it funny since he was an ex-policeman, that law enforcement takes care of its own? Think about it.

This was not the work of law enforcement. The victim's family agreed to the sentence in return for information on her whereabouts. Quit blaming law enforcement.