June 26, 2013

SIKESTON -- If adults and adolescents spending time with infants haven't received protection against whooping cough, July may be the ideal time for them to do so. Local health departments are preparing for Missouri's mass vaccination clinics next month to prevent pertussis -- the highly contagious bacterial disease known as "whooping cough."...

Registered nurses Karen Evans, left, and Jeanne Stalker with the Scott County Health Department sort through the tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis, or Tdap, vaccine in preparation for mass vaccination clinics in July. The one-time mass vaccination provided through the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services is focusing on prevention of pertussis, or whooping cough, which is the highly contagious bacterial disease that can be fatal to infants. It also includes protection from bacterial diseases tetanus and diphtheria. 
Leonna Heuring, Staff
Registered nurses Karen Evans, left, and Jeanne Stalker with the Scott County Health Department sort through the tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis, or Tdap, vaccine in preparation for mass vaccination clinics in July. The one-time mass vaccination provided through the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services is focusing on prevention of pertussis, or whooping cough, which is the highly contagious bacterial disease that can be fatal to infants. It also includes protection from bacterial diseases tetanus and diphtheria. Leonna Heuring, Staff

SIKESTON -- If adults and adolescents spending time with infants haven't received protection against whooping cough, July may be the ideal time for them to do so.

Local health departments are preparing for Missouri's mass vaccination clinics next month to prevent pertussis -- the highly contagious bacterial disease known as "whooping cough."

Health departments in Scott, New Madrid and Mississippi counties are participating in the one-time event focused on immunizing individuals who are 11 years old or older including adults with the tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis, or Tdap, booster vaccine. These immunizations, which can cost up to $40 each, will be free during these clinics.

"This will protect babies who are not yet fully vaccinated from pertussis, or whooping cough," said registered nurse Jeanne Stalker with the Scott County Health Department.

Scott County will host clinics from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. July 3 at Chaffee Elks, July 10 at Scott City First Assembly of God and July 30 at the Scott County Health Department in Sikeston.

Clinics in New Madrid County are set for 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. July 22 and 29 at the health department in New Madrid. These clinics are for residents of New Madrid County only.

Mississippi County Health Department has clinics scheduled for July 16, 17 and 31.

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