July 16, 2013

scottw@standard-democrat.com MALDEN -- Community support for a family bracing for the costs of a surgery next month will hit a high note this weekend. The Rockin' For Riley Foundation's concert fundraiser will kick things off at 3 p.m. Saturday at the American Legion Hall in Malden...

Riley Sloan
Riley Sloan


MALDEN -- Community support for a family bracing for the costs of a surgery next month will hit a high note this weekend.

The Rockin' For Riley Foundation's concert fundraiser will kick things off at 3 p.m. Saturday at the American Legion Hall in Malden.

When he was only 10 weeks old, Riley Sloan of New Madrid became a victim of Shaken Baby Syndrome. The diagnosis at that time was grim. His family was told that if Riley survived at all, he would be deaf, blind and "brain dead."

Riley is now a 10-year-old boy who is able to see and hear with a brain that is very much alive but he does have difficulty walking.

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