July 16, 2013

Something needs to be done with the city manager in a town near Sikeston. He's going around bulldozing people's homes down that don't have money to fix them up, yet he's not doing anything about people that have junk and weeds waist-high in their yards. ...

Heartless and homeless

Something needs to be done with the city manager in a town near Sikeston. He's going around bulldozing people's homes down that don't have money to fix them up, yet he's not doing anything about people that have junk and weeds waist-high in their yards. If the people had the money to fix the houses up they would. How does he expect someone to fix the house up if they don't have the money? These people are fixing to be homeless. He's fixing to bulldoze a house down on Monday and the deadline for them to fix it is Friday. I do know they have been working to get it fixed up. There's a petition going around that people are signing to get him out of here. I can't believe the man is this heartless.

Who was on singles list?

Just watching a movie which prompted this call. I don't read the Bible, but I notice that many, many people that call SpeakOut do indeed. Will any of these knowledgeable people of the Bible tell us if any of Jesus's 12 disciples were married or lifetime bachelors? Wasn't Jesus a lifetime bachelor in his short 33 years of life? I would appreciate responses from the religious authorities. Thank you Bible readers.
