Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Down it goes!

I live in New Madrid and I am very happy that the city has finally gotten around to having the old dilapidated house on Mill Street torn down. The windows were knocked out of it. We had heard 5 or 6 years ago that the floor had fell in and that it was ate up with termites. It looked horrible. It looks like they are finally gonna tear it down. I can't figure out why they let it set there so long. I'm sure the people that came to town on those tourist buses were just aghast at it. So y'all are doing a good job getting that torn down. I've heard 10 or 15 people that are excited because that thing is going down.

Give me that old time religion

I wish you people would leave Brother Jimmy and Frances Swaggart alone. They are the only ones who is preaching the true message of the cross. And I love her program "Frances and Friends." They are warning the American people and the church what's happening in our nation and inside the church. We have now these false TV preachers preaching that there are many paths to heaven. Rick Warren, Joel Osteen and T.D Jakes are three of them that I know of. And I just love Brother Donnie and Gabe Swaggart's preaching. They preach the old time power of the holy spirit. I'm getting tired of a dead church.

Pay up!

To the person who is thanking the farmer who is spraying Round-Up on his garden, that will be $7 for spraying and $10 for the chemicals.