CHARLESTON -- Another 11 months and Mississippi County may finally have restoration projects from the spring flood of 2011 completed.
County Clerk Junior DeLay updated county commissioners during their regular weekly meeting Wednesday on the county's Federal Emergency Management Agency flood disaster recovery projects.
"The deadline for the last three projects is October of this year and everything is done but County Road 310," DeLay said.
Richard Wallace, Mississippi County road and bridge superintendent, submitted to FEMA through the State Emergency Management Agency a request for the road restoration project's third extension for a completion date of July 1, 2014, according to DeLay.
"We did get approved," DeLay said.
One of the requirements of extensions for FEMA projects is the county submitting a monthly progress report to SEMA -- which should be no problem to continue doing since county officials are required to make the reports since the first extension was granted, he said. "About all they're doing (currently) is stockpiling rock," DeLay said.
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