August 27, 2013 BENTON -- The Scott County Commission's efforts to get a bridge into the Off-System Bridge Replacement Program have paid off. Commissioners have been working to show Missouri Department of Transportation officials that a county bridge located on Scott County Road 262 northwest of Oran near the Caney basin needs to be replaced...

BENTON -- The Scott County Commission's efforts to get a bridge into the Off-System Bridge Replacement Program have paid off.

Commissioners have been working to show Missouri Department of Transportation officials that a county bridge located on Scott County Road 262 northwest of Oran near the Caney basin needs to be replaced.

"We've been trying to get it BRO funding," Presiding County Commissioner Jamie Burger said during Tuesday's County Commission meeting. "MoDOT has accepted our request."

Federal Highway Administration funding is allocated by MoDOT through the BRO to a county based on the square footage of deficient bridge deck that county has as compared with the total deficient bridge decking statewide.

While the County Road 262 bridge has "several issues" from a low load capacity to deficient decking, according to Burger, replacing it is also important due to the high volume of water that passes beneath it in the drainage ditch.

For the complete article and more local news stories, see the Wednesday Aug. 28 edition of the Standard Democrat. For the electronic edition click here to log on.
