This is to the gentleman that stole all the papers out of the case this morning at the local grocery store. I saw you and saw how you had them all folded up in a circle. I know it was the Standard Democrat because it had red on the front of it. You didn't have time to stand there and buy every one of them papers. I hope you know that you are just causing people who does buy those papers more money. Now the paper will have to raise their price on the paper just to cover the price of those that were stolen just because you are a nothing but a thief. I hope they put them inside the store and sell them individually like they do the St. Louis Post Dispatch and then you won't be able to steal their papers. That is nothing but stealing from poor people. You were in a white truck, and if I had had sense enough, I would've got your license plate number and turned your little butt in.
Is there anybody that has a recommendation about people mowing their yards and throwing sand burs out that work their way into their neighbors' yards? Recommend something, please.
I'd like to speakout about a business where my wife was attacked in the parking lot at 2:30 in the afternoon Labor Day Weekend by a woman holding a knife. Called the store and they couldn't hire anybody else unless they got it from the main office. Also, my wife lost her cell phone, she grabbed her cell phone. After she saw that she couldn't do anything with my wife, she grabbed the cell phone and threw it away. I talked to them about replacing the cell phone and they were too tight to do that too. All you women, men or anybody else going to the store, you need to treat it like it's a foreign country and have somebody watch your back. I'd like to commend DPS of Sikeston, especially Mr. Penrod, for his role that he played in this. He picked the woman up and now she's in jail on $75,000 bond. People need to boycott this store. They have all the people they want and they are not gonna be out any more money for security or anything else. From now on, if my wife goes there she will go with someone guarding her. They won't have a gun but maybe a club to knock these people in the head that are trying to rob people that are in their 70s. Maybe both of us can go together and not be descended on by somebody wielding a knife.