October 3, 2013

I would like to speakout about the gas company that furnishes gas for New Madrid. We don't have anything that is gas except the furnace, and it does not run in the summer. But we get a gas bill for $15 and on up every month. I talked to my neighbor across the street, and she said they only had a hot water heater and their gas bill was $28 this month. That's not right. They are stealing money from us and I want it put in SpeakOut for people to read...

Gas fuming

I would like to speakout about the gas company that furnishes gas for New Madrid. We don't have anything that is gas except the furnace, and it does not run in the summer. But we get a gas bill for $15 and on up every month. I talked to my neighbor across the street, and she said they only had a hot water heater and their gas bill was $28 this month. That's not right. They are stealing money from us and I want it put in SpeakOut for people to read.

Slow on service

I ain't gonna name the business, but this place is the slowest place I've ever seen. You gotta wait in line for an hour and a half to get your car tags. That's a shame. They need to pick up the pace a little bit instead of sitting there laughing and talking to each other. I only got an hour for lunch and I've only got 10 minutes left and I've got one ahead of me. If that's not slow, I don't know what is. Come on, women, quit laughing at each other and do your job cause I gotta go back to mine.

Can't afford to die

This is to the person that was concerned about people not having funerals or memorial services, not having services at all or dying at home. Have you ever paid for a funeral? Do you know how expensive they are? Perhaps if they were young, they may not have had a life insurance policy. Maybe their family can't afford it. Maybe they are donating their body to science so there's no services. There are a lot of things that could happen. Try paying for a funeral. It's not cheap.

Mail, money, Honest Abe

I don't understand the problem the post office is having with money. Didn't they just sponsor the Olympics a few years ago? Also, what is happening to our country? Abraham Lincoln said this country was "of the people, by the people and for the people," not the people for the government. Wake up, people.
