Let it R-I-P
This is in response to "Dying to know details." First of all, it's none of your business who dies, how, when or where. And it's none of your business whether they have a funeral, memorial service or are cremated. None of this is your business.
Social insecurity
I'd like to speakout regarding the Obamacare. Myself, like 99 percent of the people don't understand it, but they have an opinion. Opinions are like noses and everybody has a nose. In 1934, they passed the Social Security Act. Later on I was born. My daughter told me all the Republicans were against the Social Security Act. It's the best thing that ever happened to us. Most of us would be on the street begging for food if it wasn't for Social Security. A lot of the people here in town wanted to kill the president, which was Franklin Roosevelt. Most of those people were Republicans and evidently didn't want to pay their part of Social Security. A lot of them owned businesses and I'm sure were out money. If one of the presidents hadn't spent the money in Social Security, we could all be in better shape. If they pass Obamacare, which it looks like they might, it's gonna shut the government down and everything else down. It's a terrible situation when you're pumped full of bull on the television and newspapers and don't know anything. You take someone else's word, and today people's word is about as small as their brain. We'll just wait and see what happens. Maybe it will be a good thing and maybe it won't. But Social Security has been real good for everybody I know that's on Social Security.
Built to stand
Hello Mike. This is Fed-up Ed. Just reading the article that our state representative wrote in the Thursday edition referring to the ways to upgrade school buildings. This is just another attempt to lower wages for the working people of this area. Who do people want to build school buildings for our children that will stand, American workers or minimum wage workers that don't speak English? Who's going to build the building better? You don't see temporary non-American workers buying new trucks and cars and buying houses. Union people do. They live here. They raise their kids here and they spend their money here, not send it back home across the border. Union workers pay their bills and build the economy, not temporaries that get what we pay for for free, Obamacare. Our representative is not doing a good job for our part of the country. Seems like she has already sold out to the unpopular ideas planted by special interest groups or the highest bidder for campaign contributions. Go USA.