I just read the speakout "Tired of paying for others." This person is dead-on. This is the best SpeakOut article I have ever read in my entire life. Keep up the good work.
Sentence questions
What's going on in the Mississippi County courthouse? First a judge gave a man 120 days of so-called shock treatment for a guilty plea last year on second degree murder. And another man got 10 years for beating his kid half to death, not 24 years like the report said. He only got 10 years. And now you have a convicted career criminal. He gets to go home for a weeks furlough and rob another person before he goes back to court. He's done been sentenced to four years in the penitentiary. Somebody needs to see what's going on over there. Is it the same judge?
Regarding the obituary of Evelyn Polk. This angel was the most kind and loving person in this world. She never met a stranger and always loved you no matter what. In the very early years of my life she helped to raise me and to try to teach me the right path to go down and for the last 36 years I have took those words that she told me and try to always follow the path she sit out before me. I know that I am a better person today because she took the time to love me. I will always love you as a mother and one of my best friends. You were not only my mother-in-law you were and always will be my Mom! Love you forever. Not goodbye. Till we meet again.
In response to "Don't judge, just love," I agree we should love everybody regardless of who they are. But didn't Jesus judge when he took a horsewhip into the temple and chased all the moneychangers out of it? And sad to say, we have churches now that believe you have no right judging anything, shape, form or fashion. But we are to judge one another's fruits. But we are living in the very last days. Churches are falling for everything now.
Just read Oct. 7 SpeakOut, the person, "Tired of paying for others," caller is accurate. Nobody wants to step up and fix the mess, Republicans or Democrats, of these freeloaders. These politicians are afraid of losing votes. That is why no strong individual has emerged to try to fix this ongoing mess in decades. Also, I hope that caller watched CBS 60 Minutes. He or she would have learned that according to CBS, billions of dollars are being paid to the "disabled person" that is really not disabled at all. So at the risk of losing possible votes in elections, our leaders and politicians refuse to do nothing. There's no strong person out there that is going to change this mess.