
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Just a suggestion

I think Sikeston would not be a bad town like everyone is saying. I wish the mayor would clean up this city - make those people clean their yards, paint their houses, clean the street. If the people don't have the money for paint or lawn care, the city could cut the grass. Have more holiday displays like a little Christmas market. Why not have Christmas lights going up and down Malone and Main Street? Lower speed limits in areas where people live.

Add us to the ad list

It is sad when people who live in the country, especially Pharris Ridge subdivision, don't get their ads when we buy the paper. Come on people, we buy food too. We buy luxuries. So come on, remember, put the ads in the paper. I know you say that the merchants say it's limited to where they want them to go. Well, you own the paper so you need to have a little say so too. Please remember Pharris Ridge subdivision needs to see the ads also. We don't get the Aldi's ad or the Schnuck's ad on Wednesday. Shame on you all.