January 10, 2014

The day after Christmas, I was reading your paper and two front-page articles caught my attention. The first was the reported shooting of a six-year-old by his dad, who took his own life. This happened in Cape Girardeau. The second article was about a Sikeston woman being arrested for stealing two iPhones. ...

Where's common sense?

The day after Christmas, I was reading your paper and two front-page articles caught my attention. The first was the reported shooting of a six-year-old by his dad, who took his own life. This happened in Cape Girardeau. The second article was about a Sikeston woman being arrested for stealing two iPhones. It was obvious that her Obama phone was not good enough for her. These two articles brought back memories of Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society Program of 1965. Since our government implemented this program, over one trillion dollars of taxpayers' money has been funneled into it. This has been a 50-year government effort! I would wager that both of these people are in some way recipients of President Johnson's program. It is said that Lyndon Johnson stated after the program was made law, that the Democratic party would have the minority vote for the next 50 years. The 50 years of poor results are over. People let us go back to common sense.

Passing blame

The police won't do anything about the people that park in the handicapped parking spaces because the store owners will not call the police themselves. I've had that happen to me a number of times. It's not only the police's fault, it's the store owners.
