BENTON -- Scott County has the footing it needs to continue marching into the future.
County Commissioners approved the 2014 operating budget for Scott County during their Jan. 16 meeting.
"I felt good about where we ended 2013. I think there's always some looking forward with anxiousness so our revenue we always budget conservatively and our office holders are always conservative on their spending. They never really request anything we feel is out of line and they spend conservatively, too," said Jamie Burger, presiding commissioner. "Even with all the capital improvements we made in 2013, our fund balances ended higher than expected. Scott County is on solid ground."
"We were very pleased that all the office holders were again under budget as they have been each year since I've been here," said Dennis Ziegenhorn, county commissioner. "That helps to start off a new year well when you don't go over the budget."
For the complete article and more local news stories, see the Jan. 23 edition of the Standard Democrat. For the electronic edition click here to log on.