I'm sitting here reading the paper about mass shootings, children shooting each other and people getting kicked out of the school because they 1are pointing their finger or being a bully. Then I turn to the sports page and Sikeston's coach Greg Holifield angrily removes his tie after a no call against Kennett. Then it goes on to speak about aggression, how they have to be all about aggression. You wonder what's happening to these children? They are taught that you have to be mean and tough and bullies on the court or the football field or the baseball field and then just turn it off and be Mr. Nice Guy in the classroom. What is going on with that? You see a head basketball coach ripping his tie off and his players are excited and why they don't have a riot on the basketball court. Look at it, people, look at it.
He was taking his tie off because he thought one of his players was being bullied on the court.
I work with disabled clients in their homes. I've had the same client for almost 20 years, and we've had a few staff changes. The new staff, the first day that they worked, took Christmas items and household items came up missing. Every week that they worked, more things came up missing. So we told the bosses and the supervisors and they moved them to other homes and more things were missing from those homes. I don't know if the bosses are afraid to fire because they think they will be sued, but something needs to be done about this particular person. It was stupid things that they were stealing too, pots and pans, curtains, new things they had bought, headphones. These people are poor and what little they get they appreciate. It's a low-life to steal from disabled people. I hope they are caught very soon.
I was just on the KFVS homepage and saw where this creep had been having sex with a dog. This judge gave him two years probation without animals. So in two years he's gonna be having sex with dogs again. What is this judge's problem? I think he has a bigger problem than the guy having sex with dogs. He's going to be getting kids next. You need to get him off the street and in a jail.
I have just watched a man taking down a tree very carefully, slowly lowering a branch with a squirrel's nest in it to the ground. Now that's what I'm talking about. Very, very sweet.