February 6, 2014

scottw@standard-democrat.com CHARLESTON -- Mississippi County's annual operating budget ended up being "a pleasure to work on" this year, according to Presiding Commissioner Carlin Bennett. County commissioners approved the county's 2014 budget during their regular weekly meeting Thursday...


CHARLESTON -- Mississippi County's annual operating budget ended up being "a pleasure to work on" this year, according to Presiding Commissioner Carlin Bennett.

County commissioners approved the county's 2014 budget during their regular weekly meeting Thursday.

In his annual budget message, County Clerk Junior DeLay, chief budget officer for the county, said cumulative revenues for the county's 36 funds are projected at $7,169,571.09. With $7,857,428.08 in budgeted expenditures, there is an annual operating deficit of $687,856.99.

But, he added, "the annual operating deficit is deceiving in that the total expenditures include inter-fund transfers of $550,222.22, thus the actual budgeted annual operating deficit would be $137,634.77."

Projected revenues "are all conservative estimates as they always are -- and should be," Bennett said. "We may hopefully come out better than projected."

For the complete article and more local news stories, see the Friday edition of the Standard Democrat. For the electronic edition click here to log on.
