February 25, 2014

Resignations- The board was asked to accept the resignations of the following individuals: Cammy Gilmer, High School English; Dell Roberts, Middle School ISS; Diana Pearson, Matthews Elementary; Manessah Hunt, Special Education Assistant. Budget Adjustments- The board was asked to approve budget adjustments for the 2013-2014 school year...

Resignations- The board was asked to accept the resignations of the following individuals: Cammy Gilmer, High School English; Dell Roberts, Middle School ISS; Diana Pearson, Matthews Elementary; Manessah Hunt, Special Education Assistant.

Budget Adjustments- The board was asked to approve budget adjustments for the 2013-2014 school year.

Calendar Revision- the board was asked to revise the 2013-2014 school calendar. The district will make up the additional snow days missed on the following dates: April 18th, 1/2 day; May 22nd, 1 day; May 23rd, one day. These are the final dates for make up for this school year.

Football Field Renovation- the board was asked to approve turf renovations to aggravate, sod, schedule maintenance, paint and dress the football field with hybrid turf.

District Bus Update- the board will be asked to authorize administration to seek bids to replace 2 small passenger buses.

Tyler SISFIN Program- the board was asked to approve the implementation of the Tyler SISFIN Program to begin in the spring of 2014 in order to be fully implemented by July 1, 2014.

Policy Revisions- the board asked to revise the following policies: BBBA, board member qualifications; JHG, reporting and investigating child abuse/neglect.

Policy Adoptions- the board was asked to adopt the following policies: BBB-AF2, school board elections (candidate declaration); BBB-AF-4, school board elections (notice of candidate's obligation to file financial disclosure statement); GFCBC-AF, professional staff fringe benefits (acknowledgment of receipt of employee benefits package); GDBC-AF, support staff fringe benefits (acknowledgment of receipt of employee benefits package).

Missouri College Advising Corps.- the board was asked to approve the MU College Advising Corp beginning with the 2014-2015 school year.

CD Investments- the board was asked to review the CD Investments.

Federal Programs Review- the board was informed of the results of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Federal Programs Review.

Attendance and enrollment- the board was informed of the district attendance and enrollment per district and building.

MSBA Updates- the spring regional MSBA meeting will be held Monday, April 21, 2014 at Rebecca Sharp's at 6:00 p.m.

District Updates- technology update, Pete Hogan; Common Core/Missouri Learning Standards, Bridgett Masterson.

Choir Activities- the choir will be singing at a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game on Friday, June 20th and will be giving away Bob Gibson replica jerseys to those in attendance. The NMCC section will be in the Left Field Pavilion. Tickets are $12 each. The Cardinals will be playing the Philadelphia Phillies that evening.

The board hired the R-1 Administrative staff for the 2014-2015 school year.

the board was asked to employ the following individuals: Dempsey Craft, Boys Track Coach for Spring 2014 only; Cammy Gilmer, Assistant Teacher; Chelsey Kosky, High School Nurse; Brandon Townley, SRO/Custodian Matthews Elementary; Cathy Sides, High School Secretary; Willard Robinson, Custodian Matthews.
