I would like to thank the Standard Democrat for the change in the crossword puzzles. The print is larger and the answer to the previous puzzle is also larger, and so are the boxes that we put the letters in. For a lot of the older people, they are a lot of entertainment that we look forward to. And now that it's easier to see it's even better.
Right-wing Republicans are ruining the state of Missouri. You'll know how bad it's getting when our local hospital starts to shut down because the Republicans refuse to go along with the Obama Medicaid regulations. When you no longer have a local hospital to go to, you will know how wrong the right-wing Republicans are. They are ruining the state.
Mike's editorial on Feb. 15 was right on the money. You cannot judge people by how they look. People that have tattoos, earrings, and long hair and scraggly birds, sometimes they are the most caring people. And the ones that wear suits and are all spiffed up wouldn't spit on you if you were laying in the gutter. You see people that you think would be really sweet and stuff, and they are the most hateful individuals you would ever want to meet. And somebody that looks like they would would be rough and tough are the kindest you would ever want to meet. That was a very good editorial, Mike. You have a good heart. That man was a good father. Just because someone has tattoos and stuff don't mean they're good fathers. All these suit and tie people are too busy to take time for their kids, they are too busy with their own lives.
I'd like to speakout about the apartments over on Second Street for the elderly and the disabled. It's 12:25 on Saturday the 15th of February. A lady doesn't have any heat in her home. And we are unable to reach anyone by phone to inform them of this. Not the manager, not the janitor or anybody. What are we supposed to do when something like this happens?
This is Shirley. I had an ad in the paper in SpeakOut for the last several years to help people get rid of their garage sale stuff. Since then I have changed my number. 573-380-6821. We will pick it up and get it off your hands. Just call and let us know.