February 28, 2014

Photo by Scott Welton, Staff
Photo by Scott Welton, Staff

Sikeston Department of Public Safety Sgt. Derick Wheetley signs a birthday card from Sikeston DPS to Tyler Seddon. Tyler, who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at age 3, recently started treatment again after a relapse, expressed a wish to receive cards from his heroes -- civilian and military law enforcement, firefighters and first response personnel -- for his 7th birthday March 6. In addition to the poster-sized card signed by DPS officers, the Department is also sending an "honorary officer" ID card on a lanyard, patches, an official Matchbox Sikeston D.A.R.E. car and other D.A.R.E. stuff such as a challenge coin, T-shirt, stickers and pens. More information about Tyler's request and struggle can be found at www.facebook.com/groups/OfficialTylersTroops.
