March 11, 2014 BENTON -- This winter has not only been hard on county roads but also on county revenue, according to Scott County officials. "We were down a little last month," Dennis Ziegenhorn, county commissioner, said during the regular Scott County Commission meeting Tuesday. "I think the reason is the cold weather."...

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BENTON -- This winter has not only been hard on county roads but also on county revenue, according to Scott County officials.

"We were down a little last month," Dennis Ziegenhorn, county commissioner, said during the regular Scott County Commission meeting Tuesday. "I think the reason is the cold weather."

Ziegenhorn said sales tax received by the county this month as compared with the same month last year is down almost $39,000 as what the county received this month on one of the county's two half-cent sales taxes is $19,321 less than received in 2013.

For the complete article and more local news stories, see the Wednesday edition of the Standard Democrat. For the electronic edition click here to log on.
