What is the purpose of the Board of Education? It seems that all this board does is put their stamp of approval on government programs like Common Core. I dare say that the majority of the people that have investigated Common Core don't want it.
To the older lady that I bumped into at the Goodwill Store on April 17. I have a very unique miniature bell for your collection. Free! Call Don at 471-2797
I live on Scott Street. The policemen here in town and the county policemen think it's Interstate 55 because they go anywhere from 90 to 100 mph down Scott Street. I have kids and I think it's a shame that they do that. I don't know what the emergencies are and I don't care. But if they hit one of my kids, it's gonna be a bad situation. They have wrecked several cars because they speeded themselves. I guess they were ashamed of themselves. The county is who I am talking about because they got rid of the cars. They think it's Interstate 55. I feel sorry if they kill one of my kids because I'm gonna sue them. You can bet on it. What do they think that they are above the law? They are the law. Nobody is supposed to be above the law, not even the law.
Suddenly, Charter TV has turned into Obamacare. Your old services/coverages are cancelled and you have to take the new, more expensive plan whether you want it or not. Digital TV may be a marvelous technological advance, but maybe, just maybe, I don't want to pay $84 per TV per year to have it in my house. Maybe, just maybe, I just wanted to keep what I already had. Here's the math: if you have five TVs in your home, for example, your new annual additional costs (after the first year) would be $420. This is above your ongoing cable rate (a rate this is meaningless if your TVs no longer work without a digital box). In many households, $420 is a car payment or a house payment or rent. Were we polled prior to this conversion by the company that has the exclusive franchise in Sikeston? I don't think so. Do most folks want to make one extra car or house payment or rent? Doubtful. I was happy just the way it was. I don't need to be able to count the freckles on the news girls in places I never knew they even had, especially at the expense of a car payment, a house payment or rent. This is just one more example how we, as individuals, are losing control over our own lives, and I hate it.