Before the new City Council took their oath of office, the current City Council needed to take care of a few items.
First, the council voted to extend liquor permits to the local liquor establishments. They include: Klipfel's Korner, Billy's Steak House, Buddy's Package, El Senor Tequilla, Casey's General Store, Gas & Goodies, Four-Way Quick Shop, and Charcoal Lounge.
The City Clerk needed approval to purchase revised OSHA posters for all of the city facilities. Motion made and passed.
Second, Mayor Denis McCrate told the board about a culvert that needed to be replaced and the end of Main Street, on the Bruce Martin property. According to the mayor, Martin agreed to install the new culvert, about 300 ft. long if the city would purchase the culvert. Normally, this would be in reverse. However, since Martin owns Bruce Martin Construction, and has the equipment and manpower to do the job, the City Council voted to purchase the culvert and let Martin Construction do the work.
Also on the agenda was Mark Moody. He farms on city property west of the city near the sludge area.
Years ago, the city led out a bid and he was the winning bidder for the small acreage, with the bid contract due every five years.
According to Moody, when it was time to renew the contract, he would meet with the mayor at those times, and he would sign his name to the document allowing for another term. "Now, apparently, that was the wrong thing to do and has created some clerical errors with the City of Portageville. I will work with the city in how they see fit to correct the problem. I don't want to cause any problems," he said.
Mayor McCrate said, "This is an issue we will have to discuss with the City Attorney, and will make that determination at the next City Council meeting on June 2nd."
Police Chief Ronnie Adams then came before the Council with a proposal and a request for the City to purchase two new radar guns. "Both of the current ones have some age to them and are not as accurate as we need them to be," said the chief. "This proposal is a detailed list of what all comes with the two radar guns. Both cost $2800 and this can be paid for from the Crime Reduction Funds, not costing the City anything." The council voted to approve this purchase.
Also, Fire Chief Bill Foster shared with the council the fire department purchased new dress uniforms, pants and shirts with the fire department's own funds. The department officers also purchased new uniforms and paid for them out of their own pockets. He also said that Ed Brooks will be coming to service the pumps on the trucks and change out the oil.
City Code Enforcement Officer Edmond Crafton gave a report on the unkept property within the city, and what the property owners are doing with them. Some were granted another 30 day extension to continue making their improvements.
Finally, a couple of concerned citizens ask the council about the status of the new drainage grant.
According to Mayor McCrate, "Smith and Associates out of Poplar Bluff are the engineers on the project and are scheduled to be in town to begin surveying the area on May 12." Watch for a full story about the flooding concerns in the next few weeks.
When the current council had completed their old business affairs, the new council member were sworn into office.
The only new member on the City Council is Vince Berry for Alderman Ward I. He is replacing Delmar Edgar. The other two officials did not have any opponents in the April election and have retained their seat. They are Municipal Judge Chris Stinnett and Ward II Alderman Floyd Simmons.