Right has gone wrong
America's greatness was based on freedom to a degree unprecedented in world history. Ben Franklin said, "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. Virtue is achieved by self discipline, not outside restraint." This administration has added new regulations to the point where we have almost 80,000 pages of rules that could convict each of us as felons or worse. Political correctness is mind control. Now a healthy discussion of one's thoughts or opinions can be picked apart, distorted or blown out of proportion. The Donald Sterling publicity of his personal comments is an example of character assassination. Racism is being used to divide and conquer us. The idea of him having a mistress, considered naughty in the past, is overlooked, apparently acceptable in this current culture. Class warfare in Russia and in Hitler's Germany, China, Cambodia, India and the Muslims against Jews and infidels have caused the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocents. Before the Soviet Wall came down, freedom of speech was so threatened that in Communist Yugoslavia in a restaurant people would dine with no conversation, eerily quiet. Someone overheard, misheard or misquoted could be turned in by an informant and then disappear. Our schools aren't teaching the Bible, character or right from wrong anymore. Consensus has replaced righteousness and biblical discussion is gone. We are being controlled by a small minority. If we stand up with our faith in God, the Ten Commandments, our God-given rights, then we won't fall.
This land is our land
After reading your article about our congressman's attempt to take federal public lands and turn it over to the state of Missouri so it can be better controlled by locals, the following comes to mind, whether using our public ground for personal gain is wrong. Whether by an ignorant, freeloading cattleman in Nevada or a bunch of freeloading Missouri hillbillies.