June 6, 2014

A teacher gave her class of second graders a lesson on the magnet and what it does. The next day in a written test, she included this question intended as a follow up on the previous day's lesson: "My full name has six letters. The first one is M. I am strong and attractive. I pick up things. What am I?" When the test papers were turned in, the teacher was astonished to find that almost 50 percent of the students answered the question with the word "Mother."...

Bro. Steve Bradford

A teacher gave her class of second graders a lesson on the magnet and what it does. The next day in a written test, she included this question intended as a follow up on the previous day's lesson: "My full name has six letters. The first one is M. I am strong and attractive. I pick up things. What am I?" When the test papers were turned in, the teacher was astonished to find that almost 50 percent of the students answered the question with the word "Mother."

My mom passed away in October 1989 after a long battle with cancer. It was only after she was gone that I fully understood how much she loved me. I encourage you to take the time to thank God for your mom today. The other thing that I don't think that most people understand is just how much God loves each one of us. It doesn't matter what you've done or where you've been, God loves you and wants to have a relationship with you. I thank God for my mom, she's the one who told me about Him. John 3:16

Steve Bradford

First Baptist Church

608 DeLisle

Portageville, MO 63873

573-379-5340 - voice

