Three Rivers College has announced the launch of a new program designed to make it easier for non-traditional students to quickly and affordably obtain an associate degree. The "Evening Advantage" program will allow participants to complete an associate degree in General Education with just two nights of classes per week for two years.
"While we already offer several degree options in the evening, traditional evening classes face challenges like class availability, constantly shifting schedules, and more," said Dr. Mary Lou Brown, Dean of Academic Instruction at Three Rivers. "With Evening Advantage, students are assured the availability of their classes, a consistent schedule, and a cohort of classmates to share the journey with."
According to Brown, Evening Advantage accomplishes its accelerated schedule by having dedicated Evening Advantage-only classes that are taken in eight-week blocks. The classes are set up so that students are considered "full time" students and so can qualify for full Federal financial aid.
"One of the biggest challenges for non-traditional students going back to school is working around full-time work and family schedules," said Dr. Brenda Russell, Dean of Career and Workforce Development at Three Rivers. "That's one of the reasons that we've ensured that Evening Advantage students will only ever have classes on Monday and Thursday nights--they can block off those two nights in their schedules, and they still get their weekends."
The associate degree earned through Evening Advantage will transfer seamlessly into a bachelor's degree completion program, including those offered at the Three Rivers campus. Three Rivers also has articulation agreements with Missouri State University, Southeast Missouri State University, Mizzou, and Arkansas State University which allow seamless transfer to those institutions.
To qualify for Evening Advantage, new students must have applied to Three Rivers, and test into ENG 111 College Writing and Math 163 College Algebra through the ACT or COMPASS placement exam. Current students must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and a recommendation from faculty or community member. Those interested in Evening Advantage who don't initially qualify can talk to an advisor about classes that prepare students for college level work.
For more information on Evening Advantage, call 573-772-7104 or send an email to An application form for Evening Advantage can be found alongside Three Rivers' free admission application at Registration is also still open for traditional Fall classes at all of Three Rivers' locations. For more information on how to register for classes, call 573-840-9605.
Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit