Colossians 3:3 says, ". . .your life is hid with Christ in God." His verse, written to those who had received Jesus Christ as personal Savior, expresses a tremendous truth that provides great assurance of the security that we have in Christ. Bertha Smith, now gone to be with the Lord, having retired as a missionary to China was speaking one time on how our lives are hid with Christ in God. She had a box about the size of a shoe box that had written on the outside of it the word "God." On the inside of that box she had another box that said "Jesus." Then on the inside of that was a smaller box that said, "me." Think how wonderful that is. How is the devil ever going to get to me if he has to go through God and Jesus in order to get to me? But she wasn't finished. She opened that box that said "me" and on the inside was still a smaller box that said "Jesus" again. The devil is going to have to tear through that outer box and then the box that says "Jesus" and once he gets through to me and starts on me he is going to find Christ on the inside of me. That is security.
Some people think if they can ever get to heaven they will slam the door shut behind them wipe the sweat from their brow and say, "Whew, I made it. Now I am safe and sound." No, security is not in a place but in a person. If you are not secure in Christ you won't be secure in heaven. Angels fell from heaven. But only in Christ we are truly and eternally secure. God bless you and remember that God loves you and so does First Baptist Church.