The following items, categorized by grade level, are needed per child for the 2014-2015 school year:
KINDERGARTEN- 1 plastic school box, 1 pack of pencils, 1 pair of scissors, 1 backpack (no wheels), 4 boxes 24-count crayons, 4 large glue sticks, 1 large pink eraser, 2 one-subject notebooks (wide ruled), 1 box of Kleenex, 2 bottles of hand sanitizer, 1 container of Clorox wipes, and 1 box each of gallon and quart size Ziploc bags.
FIRST GRADE- 1 backpack (no wheels), 1 supply box, 1 box of crayons, 1 pair of scissors, 4 glue sticks, 2 packs of pencils, 2 one-subject notebooks (wide ruled and solid color), 1 folder (solid in color), 2 boxes of Kleenex, 2 bottles of hand sanitizer, and 1 container of Clorox wipes. NO markers, rulers or binders please.
SECOND GRADE- 3 one-subject notebooks (wide ruled), 3 folders, 2 packs of pencils, 2 boxes of crayons, 4 glue sticks, 1 pair of scissors, 1 ruler, 2 boxes of Kleenex, 2 bottles of hand sanitizer, and 1 container of Clorox wipes. NO backpacks with wheels, markers or binders please.
THIRD GRADE- 1 pack of paper (wide ruled), 3 one-subject notebooks (wide ruled), 1 box of crayons, 1 pencil bag, 2 glue sticks, 1 bottle of glue, 2 packs of pencils, 1 pair of scissors, 2 boxes of Kleenex, 2 bottles of hand sanitizer, and 1 container of Clorox wipes. NO backpacks with wheels, markers or binders please.
FOURTH GRADE- 4 one-subject notebooks (wide ruled), 1 two-inch binder, 1 pack of paper (wide ruled), 1 composition book, 1 package of page dividers, 1 red folder, 1 blue folder, 1 package of single post-it notes, 2 packs of pencils, 1 pack of markers, 1 box of crayons, 1 pair of scissors, 2 glue sticks, supply box, 1 box of Kleenex, and 1 bottle of hand sanitizer. NO backpacks with wheels or large binders please.
FIFTH GRADE- 1 five-subject notebook (wide ruled), 2 packs of pencils, 1 pack of colored pencils, 1 box of crayons, 1 pair of scissors, 4 dry erase markers, folders for each subject (or a 3-ring binder), 1 pencil box, 2 boxes of Kleenex, 1 bottle of hand sanitizer, and 1 container of Clorox wipes. NO personal pencil sharpeners, markers or Sharpies please.