July 31, 2014

SIKESTON -- With the annual back-to-school sales tax holiday beginning Friday, shoppers are guaranteed to save big this weekend. The three-day holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. Friday and runs through Sunday. Certain back-to-school purchases, such as clothing, shoes, school supplies, computers and other items are exempt from state sales tax during the period...

Megan Parker, general manager of Men of Falkoffs and Ladies' in Downtown Sikeston, restocks a display of ladies jeans. The three-day sales tax holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. Friday and runs through Sunday. Certain back-to-school purchases, such as clothing, shoes, school supplies, computers and other items are exempt from state sales tax -- as well as county and city taxes in some places -- during the period. (Leonna Heuring, Staff)
Megan Parker, general manager of Men of Falkoffs and Ladies' in Downtown Sikeston, restocks a display of ladies jeans. The three-day sales tax holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. Friday and runs through Sunday. Certain back-to-school purchases, such as clothing, shoes, school supplies, computers and other items are exempt from state sales tax -- as well as county and city taxes in some places -- during the period. (Leonna Heuring, Staff)

SIKESTON -- With the annual back-to-school sales tax holiday beginning Friday, shoppers are guaranteed to save big this weekend.

The three-day holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. Friday and runs through Sunday. Certain back-to-school purchases, such as clothing, shoes, school supplies, computers and other items are exempt from state sales tax during the period.

"I'm looking for this to be a great tax-free weekend," said Jimmy Brown, store manager for Goody's in Sikeston.

Brown said he's staffed more employees per shift this weekend to meet the expected increase in the amount of shoppers.

The sales tax holiday weekend is one of the peak shopping periods in the summer.

Megan Parker, general manager of Men of Falkoffs and Ladies' in Downtown Sikeston, said she and the merchant's employees have been preparing for the upcoming weekend.

"We are running some sales to entice people to do local back-to-school shopping and almost everything in here qualifies for the tax-free holiday," Parker said.

Evelyn Smith, store manager of JC Penney in Sikeston, said the sales tax holiday weekend will offer the biggest sale of the season.

"We have been preparing for three weeks now," Smith said.

Store employees have been creating aisle displays, preparing signage and receiving their master-zoning assignments to help customers, Smith said.

While state sales tax will be waived on all purchases falling within set categories, county and cities choose whether they will participate. Locally, Scott, Mississippi and New Madrid counties will participate in the holiday. A list provided by the state of Missouri indicates that cities in those counties, with the exception of New Madrid, will also participate in the holiday.

Kyla Evans, marketing manager for Sikeston Factory Outlet Stores, said shoppers will have the chance to purchase some items completely tax-free this weekend.

"There will be no city, no county and no state tax -- none at all (for qualifying items)," Evans said. "We've got some really good deals for clothing, footwear, socks and undergarments."

For the complete story, see the Thursday edition of the Standard Democrat.
