August 8, 2014

In order to use Scripture as a foundation for one's opinion, we must first have it correct in word definition and in context. The speakout on "Helpmate" was incorrect in both regards. Although it is in the Webster's Dictionary, "helpmate" is not in the Bible. ...


In order to use Scripture as a foundation for one's opinion, we must first have it correct in word definition and in context. The speakout on "Helpmate" was incorrect in both regards. Although it is in the Webster's Dictionary, "helpmate" is not in the Bible. What you were reaching for is in Gen. 2:18 and 20 and is not one word but two. Help and meet. An examination of the Hebrew dictionary shows, however, that both are definitions for one word, Strongs #5828, that can be translated as either help, aid or meet. The context of the use of two of the same Hebrew word definitions is that of marriage i.e. husband and wife. The first husband and wife shared authority in the earth until the fall when Eve was placed by God under the headship of her husband, Adam, and that being in marriage. The word 'woman' used in I Tim. 2:12 is in the same context - husband and wife. The word 'woman' in Strongs #1135 and is translated as 'wife' 38 times in the New Testament and the word 'man' is Strongs #435 and is translated 78 times in the New Testament as 'husband.' It is in the context of Paul supporting the husband's leadership in the marriage by saying that he doesn't allow a wife to usurp authority over her husband. This goes along with I Corinthians 14:34-35 where it is translated that women are to keep silent in the church. That should have been translated 'wives' else how is a single woman going to ask her husband anything she doesn't understand in the Temple service? She has no husband! We also know that it should have been translated 'wives' because just a few chapters earlier we are told that women can prophesy in the church. They cannot be silent and prophesy at the same time. There is a difference in authority in a marriage and in the church where "there is neither male nor female" (Galatians 3:28). To try to use these scriptures as a foundation for not voting a female into government office is not scriptural. There were several women in the Bible who were leaders and supported by God. Deborah was a prophetess and a judge (Judges 4:4). Priscilla and Aquila were joint pastors/teachers in Acts with Paul moving Priscilla to head pastor/teacher in Romans 16:3 became customarily and grammatically, if her husband, Aquila, had been the head pastor/teacher, his name would have been listed first. The pastor/apostle of the church that John wrote to in I John 3 was a female. If a married woman has the support of her husband, she is free to run for any office in the land and the voters are free to vote for her. If anyone doesn't want to vote for a woman, then vote for a man, but we should not try to use the Scripture out of context in order to voice our venomous and erroneous opinions and run down our country.
