As far as God is concerned the Christian is dead to sin. Therefore, sins grip has been broken. As the believer reckons upon this truth day by day they experience victory in their Christian life. Paul says in Romans 6:8-9 that Christ was raised from the dead. That is a liberating truth. His resurrection is our victory.
We must learn to appreciate that victory. It stands to reason that if we are identified with Christ in His death then we are also identified with Him in His resurrection. The same power that raised Christ is also at work in our lives today. In Romans 6:9 we read this phrase, "knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, is never to die again." One of the greatest mistakes made in many churches is that they either present Christ as a baby in Mary's arms or as the Christ on the cross. All of that is true and we should never forget his virgin birth or his sacrificial death. But we must always and forever present Jesus as the living, reigning King of kings and Lord of lords. For Christ having been raised from the dead dies no more. Oh that we would appreciate the victory of Christ.
But we must also appropriate the victory of Christ. In Romans 6:11 Paul offers a crucial word. He writes, "Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus." The word consider means, "to count, compute, to take into account." Do you know when the victory of Christ becomes your victory? It becomes yours when you count it to be your victory.
When Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation of Proclamation that set the slaves free, at least two things were necessary in order for the slaves to truly be free. For them to be free they had to know of the emancipation of proclamation. Suppose some slaves never heard. They never were aware of it. What good would it have done if they did not hear about it? So they needed to hear about it. Secondly, they needed to accept it and act upon it. Suppose some said, "No such thing ever happened?" You see many Christians are in that very predicament. They are saying, "Yes that's a good and wonderful truth but I'm still a slave to sin. I am still bound by sin and I am not free." They are not reckoning on the fact. God says those in Christ are dead to sin. When Christ died you died. When He was buried you were buried. When He was raised you were raised. Sins grip has been broken! Through faith reckon that to be true and enjoy the victory that is yours. That is the doctrine of identification. God bless you and remember that God loves you and so does First Baptist Church.