August 28, 2014

I just read in SpeakOut the article on putdown of Editor Mike Jensen concerning the death penalty. I assume your compassion goes to the murderers rather than the innocent victims. I don't know if Mr. Jensen would want to participate in an execution, but I want to tell you that I would be more than willing to as you stated, "push the button, pull the switch" or let me add my own - pull the trigger. ...

Putdown article

I just read in SpeakOut the article on putdown of Editor Mike Jensen concerning the death penalty. I assume your compassion goes to the murderers rather than the innocent victims. I don't know if Mr. Jensen would want to participate in an execution, but I want to tell you that I would be more than willing to as you stated, "push the button, pull the switch" or let me add my own - pull the trigger. I have no compassion for murderers. I would honored to rid the earth of these worthless scum any day, anytime, anywhere. And I would be happy for you to watch it live. I have to wonder if you had a loved one violently murdered, would you still have so much love in your heart for these killers? Mr. Jensen isn't afraid to print the commonsense truth, so to you the bleeding heart do-gooder, if you don't want murderers to meet their much deserved fate, move to a country that doesn't do it. Good riddance.

Puppies chowing down

I was just watching on the news where the state passed a law where your dogs can go in and eat with you and at the outside of the restaurant. I feel like if you want to treat your animals like they are your kids, then they need to pass some laws where your animal has to be in a car seat or seat belts the same was as your kids are.

An A for the CNAs

I am responded to "Certified and bonafide." It was well said. You are right. The CNAs are the ones that take care of our elderly in the nursing homes and getting paid less than any of them. My hat is off to y'all. You need to get a raise just like the LPNs, the RNs and the directors. A job well done.

Have a rice day

I see on the front page of Thursday's paper that our Eighth District Congressman is in a photo opportunity at a dairy farm. I think it's great that we have a dairy farm in southeast Missouri. I was just kinda wondering if he is going to make it to a rice farm? Oh, maybe he doesn't know by his own admission, that we even have rice farms in this area. Well, maybe he can learn a little bit more on his farm tour and have a rice day.
