SIKESTON -- Three Scott County libraries are among those to receive a state grant to improve technology use for patrons.
Secretary of State Jason Kander said Riverside Regional Library received a technology grant in the amount of $13,093. The funds will be used to replace public access computers.
"This grant will allow Riverside Regional Library to continue to provide Missourians with outstanding resources," Kander said. "These resources combined with the hard work and dedication of Riverside Regional Library's staff help make Missouri libraries among the best in the nation."
Riverside's main library is in Jackson, but it has branches in Perryville, Altenburg and the Scott County locations of Scott City, Benton and Oran.
Jeff Trinkle, director of Riverside Regional Library in Jackson, said all six of Riverside's locations will benefit from the grant.
"We're hoping to improve online services and patrons' experiences with our computers," Trinkle said of the grant. "They use the library's public access computers a lot -- for the Internet, researching employment opportunities and for filling out applicaitons and creating resumes."
Trinkle said the libraries' computers are at least five years old so the technology upgrades are definitely need.
For the full story, see our e-edition.