September 19, 2014

Good morning, Mike. Mississippi County is working hard to restore County Road 310 that was destroyed in the flood. They are going to get it fixed, but now we get to the bridge. The bridge is too expensive for Mississippi County to put back in by itself. I think the Corps tore it up and the Corps ought to replace it...

The bridge

Good morning, Mike. Mississippi County is working hard to restore County Road 310 that was destroyed in the flood. They are going to get it fixed, but now we get to the bridge. The bridge is too expensive for Mississippi County to put back in by itself. I think the Corps tore it up and the Corps ought to replace it.

No drugs, violence tolerated

Hello America. May our country heal from our past and recover from what is going on now because it will take awhile. My topic is on the football issue and domestic violence. There should be no part in any sport or any non-sport of domestic violence tolerated. I see 16 female senators and made their little speech to the commissioner. I want 16 more senators to get off their butts and make a no tolerance policy on drugs. What is this saying to the kids coming up? I can do sports make a lot of money and be off for four months and it ain't gonna hurt me. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm tired of all of it. We've got baseball players that aren't even Americans. Why don't we go in there and cut out their work visas and put America back to work? We don't have any Americans in Washington that have any initiative to take care of America again. A no-drug tolerance policy should be in all sports, enhancement or anything. Domestic violence is the same thing. It's wrong. They are supposed to be grown adults. They know right from wrong. Clean up our sports, clean up these individuals. Take their livelihood away from them because they don't deserve it after what they've done. We pay for all this for them.

No public service here

I see where Ameren is only going to raise our bills maybe a $1.54 cents a month, which I think is probably a lie to get their foot in the door and then they push for more money. They refuse to give Noranda a break and it is going to cost people their jobs. Of course, we have a panel of idiots from Jefferson City who decided that Noranda and AmerenUE didn't need to join together and get any kind of break. Instead they are just going to close the plant. I wonder where they live if they are going to get a Noranda down in their part of the country. Another thing, why in the world do we have a Public Service Commission overlooking rate increases where they let them have whatever they want? Why are we paying these idiots as Public Service Commission people any money at all? All they do is work against the public. They are not a public service -- that is a myth. If they are public service why can't they help us?
