We are helping ISIS by helping to defeat their enemy, the Shiites. We will learn from history or repeat it. Mohammed chronicled his wars in the Koran. He originally attacked Mecca and Medina. He conquered the first by lies and persuasion. The second city resisted him and fought back, so he slaughtered every citizen. After Mohammed's death, his two surviving sons pursued conquering the world but each followed a different approach while believing they were the most faithful to their father. Over a period of 1300 years Muslims have plundered and conquered most of the Middle East, Africa and parts of Europe, carrying off a significant portion of the inhabitants as slaves. Thousands of Christians were used to row their pirate ships, other slaves were sold in America and became the basis for the term Afro-American. Barack Hussein Obama's heritage is mostly Arabic, as demonstrated by his Arabic first middle and surname in a way to proclaim Arabic parentage to the people of Kenya. Only a small part of his heritage is African black from his Luo grandmother. The Arabics were the slave traders who sold slaves to America. His family were not slave victims. The two Muslim philosophies, moderate versus Jihad, together conquered until stopped at Vienna, Austria, on Sept. 11, 1683. Their jihad was again started on 2001, Sept. 11. Today the Shiites represented by President Assad in Assyria are moderates. The Saudis from the east are the Sunnis and are jihads. The two factions fight each other when not fighting others. If we help overthrow the moderate Shiites, we are paving the way for the jihadists, ISIS. We already left army equipment for ISIS, now we are paving the way for them to take Syria on the way to Israel and America. Wake up America. We need to be smarter than this! In times past our country has asked for a day of fasting and prayer. Many miracles were performed to save our country. Pray and ask God for forgiveness and his help.
Unrest around the world! While the world is burning down around us, and Christians and other groups are getting their heads cut off because of their faith. This President he acts like he don't have a care in the world. All he wants to do is he and Michelle jumps on the Air Force One and goes off on vacation on our taxpayers' money. I did watch his speech on the Fox News the other night, he seemed to be very disengaged. I believe it will go down in history that he's the worst president that we've ever had in the White House. Folks we better start praying that's all I got to say about that. And the reason why this nation is in the state that its in, is because these so called pastors are not preaching the truth behind the pulpit. They are too busy trying to please the people instead of God.
I was inquiring if anyone out there knew how to draw a mural on a child's bedroom wall. We are looking for someone who can draw a farm with tractors and fields and corn and cotton. We are willing to pay pretty good money for this. If you know how to do this could do this could you please put your number in Speakout and we will give you a call. Have a wonderful day. Keep praying, God is listening.