October 8, 2014

I would like to know what happened to Kathy Sweeney? I miss Kathy. I would like to know what happened to Kathy Sweeney. She had some time off and will be back on Oct. 14. This is for the woman that bought my furniture in New Madrid on Sept. 27. I have not heard from you for the last twin bed to pick up. Call me back at 573-683-6142...

Missing Kathy

I would like to know what happened to Kathy Sweeney? I miss Kathy. I would like to know what happened to Kathy Sweeney.

She had some time off and will be back on Oct. 14.

Got your bed

This is for the woman that bought my furniture in New Madrid on Sept. 27. I have not heard from you for the last twin bed to pick up. Call me back at 573-683-6142.

Not as bad off as you think

The power plant in New Madrid that is wanting their power rate reduced said they would lay off over 200 people. What they are not telling the public is that they are buying out the contracts of those that are retiring soon. They will hire new people after the first of the year, but at a lower wage and not as many benefits. They aren't hurting that much.

We will feel it

I think it's a shame that people do not want Noranda to have a discount on their electricity whether they need it or not. When 200-plus jobs leave this area, we will feel it.

Blessed Bulldogs

The Sikeston Bulldog team are blessed to have a wonderful coaching staff. We are blessed to have such dedicated players. The Bulldogs are the best in our books. And remember, we are Sikeston!
