Memorial books are a lasting tribute to the people we love and help enrich the collection of books throughout our library system. Within the lat three months, we have received book donations to the Portageville library branch in memory of the following:
The Family of Jesus by Karen Kingsbury, given in memory of Lee Downing by the New Madrid County Ambulance District. (Housed at Rhodes Memorial Library)
The Church of Mercy by Pope Francis, given in memory of Ida Warner by Ralph and Pam Pruitt. (Housed at Rhodes Memorial Library)
Killing Kennedy by Bill O'Reilly, The Way It Was in Southeast Missouri by Luella Duncan, and Band of Brothers/The Pacific DVD set, given in memory of Ida Warner by Jamie and Chuck Holliman.
Bury Me in My Waders by Don Webster, given in memory of Dr. James Deere by Charles "Yogi" Briggs.
A Look at Life From the Riverbank by Steve Chapman, given in memory of Dr. James Deere by Ralph and Kathy Barnwell.
Golf is a Game of Confidence by Dr. Bob Rotella, given in memory of Dr, James Deere by Brenda, Howard, Sam, Mary Claire and Hayden Tillman.
Cut & Thrust by Stuart Woods, given in memory of Carroll LeSieur by the New Madrid County Ambulance District.
Wayfaring Stranger by James Lee Burke, given in memory of Harold "Pee Wee" Hayes by the New Madrid County Ambulance District.
Fire Crew by Ben Walters, given in memory of Bob Duggins by the New Madrid County Ambulance District.
The Family of Jesus by Karen Kingsbury, given in honor of Albert "Bud" Sisson by the New Madrid County Ambulance District.
The Match: The Day of the Game of Golf Changed Forever by Mark Frost, given in memory of Gary Wagley by Brenda, Howard and Sam Tillman.
Guide to the National Parks of the United States by National Geographic, given in honor of of John Seaber by Leland Butler.
The library has also recently received donations of assorted magazines, movies, audios and books from the following: Travis Newsom, Delphia Clay Anderson, Alice Miller, Melanie Burnett, Linda Kellams, Leeta Stevens, Cindy Batley, Carolin Hamilton and Kyle Stokes.
If you are interested in donating on behalf of a loved one and would like to know more, contact any of your local branch librarians or Library Director Susan Newman at 379-3583. You can request that a donation be housed at any one of the seven branches in our system. We will be happy to assist you in making a book selection.