CHARLESTON, MO -- USDA Rural Development Area Director Phyllis Minner, on behalf of State Director Anita J. (Janie) Dunning, announced last week funding for the Mississippi County Ambulance Development Corporation. Rural Development approved Community Facility Direct Loans totaling $41,000 and Grants totaling $35,300. These funds were used to purchase a new ambulance body chassis to replace one that could not be repaired, an LED light package, and an in-dash GPS system.
"Across Missouri, rural emergency departments struggle with purchasing and maintaining equipment necessary for the protection of life and property. Rural Development is well aware of the obstacles faced by these departments," Dunning said. "We are proud to partner with the Mississippi County Ambulance Development Corporation to assure the department has access to the apparatuses and equipment needed to protect the community."
Community Facility Grant and Loan Programs provide loans, grants and loan guarantees for projects to develop essential community facilities for public use in rural areas. This may include hospitals, fire protection, public safety, libraries, schools, day care centers as well as many other community-based initiatives. USDA also works to develop the capacity and ability of private, nonprofit community-based housing and community development organizations, and low income rural communities to improve housing, community facilities, community and economic development projects in rural areas.
Further information on rural programs is available by visiting the USDA Missouri Rural Development web site at In addition, interested parties may contact the Dexter Area Office in person at 18450 Ridgeview Lane, Dexter, MO 63841 or by phone at (573) 624-5939, Ext. 4.